A Woman's Love

“Give me children, or I shall die!” Genesis 30:1
“Are you guys planning on having any more children?”
If I could attain monetary installments for each time that question is asked, I’d be a very rich woman indeed.
So I retort by saying, “As a matter of fact, YES! We want to have hundreds--maybe thousands.”
A woman’s love for others, whether they be biological children or spiritual, should always be increasing, no matter the race, culture, tribe, ability, or language. Love is not partial. A woman's love longs for souls to be restored to the image of God and will not abandon her post until her mission is accomplished. She is stubborn and her gaze is set on the Cross. As one who drinks from the wells of his love, she takes after her Lord: she has food to eat which this world knows nothing about. It is to fulfill the will of her Father: "May Your kingdom come, may Your will be done!"
This woman knows that the kingdom of God's Beloved Son has already broken through into this world. By Christ's obedient life, death, and resurrection, he has disarmed Satan and overthrown his kingdom of darkness.
The Bride of Christ is no longer bound. She now shouts from the rooftops of the suburbs and from the hood, into the streets and into the brothels, “He told me all that I ever did!” Through her testimony many believe upon him. (John 4:29, 39-42).
Her love increases because her God is eternal. There is no shortage of it. His love is overflowing. Never ending; ever abundant. Otherly. It’s the definition of truth. Therefore she is not gullible, believing every philosophical jargon and sensual speech. How mindless is that? Think women! Get off of this treadmill of lies and live!
This love does not originate within her. It cannot be generated within her heart. Therefore, she can not conjure it up and should not receive the glory for it. That would be utterly blasphemous. A robbing of God’s glory. But as we look at the history of queens, no throne on earth has ever succeeded HIS throne. All of us women must be dethroned first to truly understand; we must sit at his feet and be taught how to love.
Before my conversion I dibbled and dabbled with Rastafarianism. Oh, the admiration I would receive from my "black brothers!" They would say, “You are love my queen.” “Yes, thanks be to Jah,” I would say, “he has indeed made ME, love.” All the while, here I was trying to fill the void in my soul by using people and material possessions in order for that love to exist-- just long enough until I bled it dry and moved on to the next "god". To be frank, deep inside I did not know Jah (I did not know Yahweh). In fact, I was very much frightened by the thought of him. I knew the reality of an eternal punishment was awaiting me soon. I woke up drenched from sweat. Nightmares on end. But I suppressed that truth and sought love elsewhere. Society has a cynical way of silencing us. Keeping us from asking questions. "Just keep it moving," we say. Numbing our conscience with every sort of earthly passion and desire we could want. Self-government is the rule here, where the great pristine steps of the Tower of Babel would lead us to ‘true love'. This is where you can find her children. This is where her disciples and prophets get their wisdom. "Love yourself" is her motto. Entitlement is the greatest attribute one must strive for, in Babylon.
Sin makes us do dumb things. In our naiveness we believe anything, but the truth. Self-love will even go as far as oppression and murder of another soul. Of course we wouldn’t utter those words. We say fluffy things, like, “fulfill your potential.” Or if you want happiness, peace, or success start thinking you have the power to achieve those things. Just a little ignorance and a folding of the hands is all that is needed. All this at the expense of someone else’s life. “They deserve what comes their way.” This is nothing but a coup - an allegiance with Satan to attempt to dethrone God. It is an attempt to redefine what love is so that it suits our lust. Let’s quit the humdrum and be for real. Isn’t that what all sin is? See, love cannot flow from our thrones. It’s only selfishness masqueraded as love so that others can love us back. There is but only pure evil, violence, chaos, injustice, hatred, death, perversion and lies that flows from our thrones. The list goes on.
Therefore, a woman’s love should be a reflection of a greater one. One that existed in antiquity. For she was created and is held together by this very love. “Whose love?” you asked. The love of Christ Jesus. There is a throne in heaven, with One seated on the throne. The Lord God Almighty is his name and before his throne the crowns of men and women are cast down. There is worship. These words are uttered, "Worthy are you, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will they existed and were created."
We do not receive glory for the love that he has given to us, but we reflect it. In these last days God speaks to us through his Son, whom he appointed the heir of all things, through whom he created the world. He is the radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint of his nature, and he upholds the universe by the word of his power. After making purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the majesty on high, having become as much superior to angels as the name he has inherited is more excellent than theirs (Hebrews 1:2ff).
So we therefore, live a life of surrender. A life lived in dependence upon Christ, conformed to his will. Through our union with Christ, God exalts us and allows us to reign with his Son. As disciples of Christ, we reflect his love and righteousness to others, for his glory alone. It is not a passive faith, but an active one. Through his love he protects us from the hostility that awaits us. The world and Satan will despise you and your own sinful heart will trip you up with lies and temptations to once again erect your thrones for one more taste of self-glorification. But greater is he that is in you than he who is in the world.
Rachel's desire mentioned previously in Genesis 30:1 becomes our cry through Christ. Out of love, He laid down His life for the children of God (John 11:51-52). He rose from the dead as the firstfruits of the resurrected sons and daughters of God, and now lives to intercede for them. Although some of Rachel's motives were tainted with sin, the Lord caused her to desire to have children in order to build up the kingdom of God (Ruth 4:11). This is why she named her son Joseph, since Joseph in Hebrew means “to add” (Gen. 30:24).
So ladies, whatever season of life you are in, may the Lord add to you, children. May He do so through the daily discipleship of biological children, or through prayerfully seeking to pour the gospel into others, so that they might become God's spiritual children, and thereby be added to our Heavenly Father's family. May Rachel's cry be our cry:
“Give me children, or I shall die!” Genesis 30:1